Sunday, June 10, 2007

The McKae explaination

This is what Dave Machemer -- and Dave McKae -- told me about McKae being pulled after eight VERY impressive innings.

Mac said that pitchers aren't supposed to go over 90 pitches, give or take a few for a final batter. He said it is an organization decision that he needs to follow because "I like my job."

McKae said he knew he wasn't coming back out because of his pitch count. He was disappointed with the outcome, but said he trusts that wouldn't happen much.

My thing is: Even if McKae came out for one more batter, I doubt it would've hurt him or the Giants. Next is, if Anderson shows he isn't getting the job done -- and I think home run, single, single shows this much, why not pull him? Someone else was warming up. Part of the problem is Anderson and for that matter, Matos, haven't pitched in a week. With all of the blow outs lately, where was the work for these guys?

What's important ow is the team try to take the last game and start another win streak heading to Trenton.

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